God and Government
Bringing God’s Rulership to the Earth
God and Government: The Government of God
Reflection Questions:
- Reflect on this: God has committed himself not just to create the heavens and the earth, but for preserving and caring for it” In your opinion, what are the implications of this truth in the way that you see government and the way you’d live your life?
- From your experience of relating with God and His rulership, which of these two best describes your experience so far: “oppressive and exploitative” or “benevolent and caring”. Please share why you describe it as such.
- How does understanding the permanence and increase of God’s kingdom affect the way you see the world and the way that you would live your life?
- Share one insight or one thing that you have learned from this video.
God and Government: Family
Reflection Questions:
- For couples: why is it important that marriage is built upon the foundation of Christ?
For singles: What does it mean to have Jesus as the foundation in relating with others?
- Reflect on Hebrews 12:6: “the Lord disciplines those he loves”. Do tell us of a time when you experienced God’s discipline in your life. What was it like? Did you experience God’s love during that time? If yes, how so?
- How can you help the next generation know, understand, and live lives that are dependent on God?
- Share one insight or thing that you have learned from this video.
God and Government: Church
Reflection Questions:
- Do you think being part of a church community is important? Why or why not?
- What do you think of having friends in church? Can you share some practical ways you think you can encourage, edify and help other people in church grow?
- Is there someone that God is leading you to share the gospel with, but are hesitant to do so? Why?
- Share one insight or thing that you have learned from this video.
God and Government: Civil Government
Reflection Questions:
- Reflect on this statement: “The civil government is intended by God to be an instrument for good, for His kingdom rule… “- Please share one way that you think our civil government can live out this truth.
- What is one thing you’d like to believe God would do, regarding our civil government? Pray for that as you pray for our civil government.
- What is one injustice that you see in our nation, that you’d like to see our civil government address? What is one personal and practical thing that you think you can do about this injustice? Pray that our civil government would be able to address this injustice.
- Share one insight or one thing that you have learned from this video.
God and Government: Self-Government under God
Reflection Questions:
- What does it mean for you to believe and acknowledge Jesus as the Lord of your life? If Jesus is already the Lord of your life, can you share your experience in having Jesus as Lord?
- Share one area in your life that you would need the help of the Holy Spirit for, in order to be self-controlled and self-disciplined.
- How do you think having self-government under God prepares you to be used by God in serving the communities and people around you?
- Share one insight or thing that you have learned from this video.